Lost and Found
PetHarbor searchable index is updated every 60 minutes! We identify and track pets by the ID number (A000000) and cannot search by names or photos.
If you have identified your pet is at our shelter, please make arrangements to retrieve it as soon as possible. Pet returns are processed during our regular business hours.
Proof of ownership and current rabies vaccination is required. If rabies vaccine is not current, one will be given before animal is released. It is also mandatory that all un-microchipped pets be microchipped prior to release.
Fees: Fee Schedule
As animal care welfare leaders, we cannot succeed without the community’s support and help. To keep our shelter from becoming overcrowded and forced to euthanize due to lack of space, we ask that you try the following first before bringing the animal to the shelter:
- Hold it at home and call us at 801-399-8244 to file a found report. You may also go directly to petharbor.com and file your own found report. PetHarbor links with our shelter data system.
- Take the animal to a vet’s office or bring it to the shelter to be scanned for a microchip (free of charge).
- Put up FOUND PET flyers in your neighborhood.
- Post the animal on social media sites like Instagram, Nextdoor and Facebook Lost and Found.
- Sec 6-4-3 Lost or Stray Animals
Stray animals shall be governed by Utah Code § 11-46-103 or its successor statute. It is unlawful for any persons to harbor or keep within the county any lost or strayed animal. Whenever any animal shall be found which appears to be lost or strayed, it shall be the duty of the finder to notify animal control within 72 hours so that the rightful owner may be located or the animal may be adopted if no owner claims the animal.
If you find a litter of kittens and want to help. In most cases, the very best thing you can do is to leave them alone. Their mom is probably out finding food and will be back soon. Kittens are one of the most vulnerable populations of pets in shelters and sadly, they don’t always survive without their moms. Unless they’re visibly sick or injured or otherwise in immediate danger, don’t move them and instead just monitor to make sure their mom returns in a few hours to care for them.
Abandonment of Animals (including to the shelter) is illegal and carries a $500 fine. The shelter is monitored by cameras and violators will be prosecuted. Below is the County Code regarding Abandonment of Animals:
Sec 6-4-20 Abandonment Of Animals
It shall be unlawful for any person to abandon an animal which belongs to them or a known other person by:
Placing an animal in an unsafe or dangerous environment where the animal is separated from basic needs such as food, water, shelter, or necessary medical attention for a period of longer than 24 hours; or
Intentionally depositing, leaving, or dropping off any live animal in a public or private place; or
Failing to reclaim an animal 48 hours beyond the time agreed upon with a kennel, grooming service, or veterinary hospital; or
Failure to reclaim and/or relinquish ownership of an animal 48 hours beyond the time agreed upon with an animal shelter.
(Ord. No. 2013-20A, § 1(0.04.200), 8-13-2013)