Effective September 26, 2023, the following water-wise landscaping standards apply to all new development in unincorporated Western Weber:
In single-family residential developments, no more than 35% of the front and side yard of a lot or parcel, or no more than 3,000 square feet of the entire lot or parcel, may be irrigated turf grass, whichever is greater.
In commercial, industrial, institutional, and multi-family developments, no more than 15% of the total landscaped area may be irrigated turf grass.
Irrigated turf grass in a parkstrip, and any
other yard area with a width of less than
eight feet, is prohibited.
View a list of water-wise plants at Utah
State University Extension's website
Contact Information
Weber County Planning Division
2380 Washington Blvd
Suite 240 Ogden, Utah 84401