A key principle of the Western Weber General Plan and the Ogden Valley General Plan is the protection of the night sky. A dark sky is a cornerstone to the community's charm.
There are many ways to help protect the night sky that are reasonable and cost effective. This guide is intended to assist you in doing your part to preserve the night sky.
Weber County has adopted the following requirements in an outdoor lighting ordinance for Ogden Valley:Friendly night sky lighting also provides the following benefits:
Protection of the night sky can be easily achieved by following these simple principles:
More information about the Ogden Valley Outdoor Lighting Ordinance can be obtained by contacting:
Weber County Planning Division
2380 Washington Blvd Suite 240
Ogden, UT 84401
If you have existing lighting on your dwelling or business, ask a planner in the Weber County Planning Office about early modification incentives.
More information about dark sky lighting and ways you can help preserve the night sky can be obtained from the International DarkSky Association: https://www.darksky.org/