Corrections Jobs
How does an inmate receive Good Time?
What are Community Release Programs?
How does an inmate qualify to participate in Community Release programs?
Are tours available at the Weber County Correctional Facility?
Good Time
Question: What is Good Time?
Answer: Good Time is time credited against an inmates sentence and is awarded based on good institutional behavior, positive participation in programs, work or to reward other commendable behavior.
Statutory Good Time may be awarded by the custodial authority (Jail). Statutory Good Time is 10 days credit for every 30 days served, or "10 for 30". Any other Good Time must be awarded by the judge.
Question: How does an inmate receive Good Time?
Answer: Good Time may be awarded by the judge at the time of sentencing. If the judge does not order Good Time, inmates must request Good Time from the Jail. The jail may, at its discretion, award statutory Good Time according to Jail policy and procedure.
Inmates are not eligible for Good Time when the judge orders that no Good Time be awarded or when the inmate is under the jurisdiction of the Utah Dept. of Corrections (B.O.P.) or U.S. Marshalls Service (Federal inmate).
Community Release Programs
Question: What are Community Release Programs?
Answer: Community Release Programs consist of supervised Community Service work details and Work Release.
Question: How does an inmate qualify to participate in Community Release programs?
Answer: Inmates must be ordered by the judge to participate on Work Release. The Jail does not authorize Work Release. Inmates must qualify by classification and must be screened and accepted by jail management committees to be eligible to participate on Community Service work details. Inmates participating in Community Release Programs must sign an agreement and abide by the terms of the agreement while participating. If an inmate fails to abide by the terms of the agreement, the inmate may be terminated from Community Release programs at the discretion of Jail officials.
Question: Are tours available at the Weber County Correctional Facility?
Answer: Tours are available to select groups at designated times. Tour participants must be at least 14 years of age. A parental consent may be required for some groups. Other limitations may apply. Generally, tours are scheduled during evening hours. For more information or to schedule a tour, contact our Administrative Sergeant at 801-778-6999.