Parcel Number Quick Search Instructions:
Weber County parcel numbers are listed in a 9-digit book, page, parcel format. Sample: A parcel in Book 10, on Page 013, with a parcel number of 0001, would be listed as 100130001.
If you only have a partial parcel number, or want to pull a series of parcel numbers in the same book and page, you can also enter it in the box above, and click search.
Owner Search Instructions:
Enter the last name of the owner you are searching for. Owner name may also be recorded in a trust or under the name of a spouse. For best results use last name only.
Address Search Instructions:
If the entire address is unknown, then enter the house number of the address you want to search for (ex. 1). If entering the complete address please use US Postal Standards for street type abbreviations such as AVE and ST (ex. 2).
If no records are returned, the best solution is to follow example 1 below. Example 1:Address is 2341 S 500 E, then enter 2341 Example 2:2341 S 500 E
The data is extracted from databases maintained by the Weber County Assessor, Recorder, and Treasurer Offices.
Any questions concerning property value or green belt information should be directed to the Assessor's Office at 801-399-8572.
Any questions concerning property ownership, address, tax unit or legal description information should be directed to the Recorder/Surveyor Office at 801-399-8441 or 801-399-8020.
Any questions concerning tax payment information should be directed to the Treasurer's Office at 801-399-8454.
Any questions concerning Appeals should be directed to the Clerk/Auditors Office at 801-399-8400.