If you need someone to officiate at your marriage, the following individuals may be available to perform your wedding ceremony. Please contact them directly to discuss scheduling and fees for the ceremony.
Name | Phone | Title | Languages Spoken | Website | |
T.R. Morgan | (801) 668-1795 | Clerk Designee | trmorgan@gmail.com | English Portuguese |
Ernie W. Jones | (801) 690-0532 | Judge (Retired) | English | ||
W. Brent West | (801) 940-7291 | Senior Active Judge | English | ||
Jeff Noland | (801) 334-4712 | Second District Juvenile Court Judge | lindaf@utcourts.gov | English | |
Rick Westmoreland | (801) 334-4712 | 2nd District Juvenile Court Judge | lindaf@utcourts.gov | English | |
Matthew Oquendo | (385) 364-6027 | Clerk Designee | churchofoshun@gmail.com | English | |
Zach T. Lyle | (801) 643-3633 | Clerk Designee | kain5953@yahoo.com | English | |
Bryan Reed | (801) 628-4884 | Clerk Designee | vikinggnome18@gmail.com | English | |
Robert Haveter | Clerk Designee | rlhaveter@gmail.com | English | ||
Veronica Castillo | (801) 612-9522 | Clerk Designee | vcastillo@casacastilloinc.com | English | |
Sheldon Gardner | (801) 791-8528 | Clerk Designee | sheldong514@gmail.com | English | |
Kathryn Rice Strebel | (385) 626-8523 | Clerk Designee | kathrynricestrebel@gmail.com | English | |
Marshall Delgado | Clerk Designee | marshalld23@msn.com | English | ||
Jeffery Roe | (801) 540-1308 | Clerk Designee | jeffdroe@msn.com | English | |
Kiley Tilby | (801) 979-6500 | Clerk Designee | Kiley.tilby@gmail.com | English | |
Lesly Rollins | (801) 663-6265 | Clerk Designee | English | ||
Sheri Morreale | (801) 721-2432 | Clerk Designee | troubletrying@aol.com | English | |
Lindsay Jackson | (801) 663-1844 | Clerk Designee | linzkjack@gmail.com | English | |
Lorrie Rands | (801) 243-8534 | Clerk Designee | dlrands@gmail.com | English | |
Shelley Chase | (801) 589-4997 | Clerk Designee | shelleymavon@gmail.com | English | |
Jordan Keller | (801) 698-2275 | Clerk Designee | keller@maxdamage.org | English | |
Maria Isabel Garcia | (801) 782-9747 - TEXT PREFERRED | Clerk Designee | mariaireyes@comcast.net | English Spanish |
Steven Wright | (801) 786-9423 | Clerk Designee | stevewright24@gmail.com | English | |
Jennie Brook Wilde | (801) 821-9727 | Clerk Designee | wildeheartweddings@gmail.com | English | |
Cheyenne Herlandstein | (801) 678-1427 | Clerk Designee | pebbleandpond@gmail.com | English | facebook.com @pebbleandpond |
Alisa Mercer | (801) 448-3015 | Clerk Designee | alisaallred@gmail.com | English Spanish |
Pleshette Goniotakis | (801) 726-4141 | Clerk Designee | pleshette.goniotakis@gmail.com | English | |
David Garcia | (801) 497-1473 | Clerk Designee | dnrgarcia@gmail.com | English | |
Rodolfo Teyuca | (801) 884-2997 | Clerk Designee | Santinoteyuca3636@gmail.com | Spanish English |
Trishia Lyn Cline | (385) 626-4577 | Clerk Designee | triciaoliverson2000@yahoo.com | English | |
Robert Dean McConaughy | (801) 391-9114 | Clerk Designee | rdallasm@msn.com | English | |
Michelle Macfarlane | (801) 300-7711 | Clerk Designee | michellemac801@gmail.com | English | |
Clint Braegger | (801) 690-0483 | Clerk Designee | crbchevy@gmail.com | English | |
Michael Craner | (801) 941-2797 | Clerk Designee | teamcranerracing@icloud.com | English | |
Jessica Hastings | (801) 499-1490 | Clerk Designee | jessicahastings92@gmail.com | English | |
Lisa Warner | (801) 725-8431 | Clerk Designee | lisawarner@redcliffcounselingandwellness.org | English | |
Amy Wicks | (801) 317-8464 | Clerk Designee | amywicks@yahoo.com | English German |
Amanda Wardell | (801) 830-1922 | Clerk Designee | Amanda.j.wardell@gmail.com | English German |
Allysen Spencer | (435) 339-7820 | Clerk Designee | allysensummerhays@yahoo.com | English | |
Berk Tuttle | (801) 540-1070 | Clerk Designee | letutt@gmail.com | English | |
Darlan Gorton | (801) 528-2504 | Clerk Designee | darlangorton@gmail.com | English | |
Wade C. Bigler | Clerk Designee | biglerwc@gmail.com | English | ||
Shauna Jensen | (801) 791-2114 | Clerk Designee | shaunacjensen@gmail.com | English | |
Tracy Townsend | (801) 430-6969 | Clerk Designee | theebomique@aol.com | English | |
Jared Klev | (801) 920-4618 | Clerk Designee | Jared-Klev1990@hotmail.com | English | |
Manuel Espinoza | (801) 814-7042 | Clerk Designee | manuelespinoza@mail.com | English Spanish |
Jessica Bright | (801) 664-3145 | Clerk Designee | jzbright11@gmail.com | English Spanish |
Denice Cafferty | (435) 459-2318 | Clerk Designee | relyeadenise@gmail.com | English | |
Russell Relyea | (801) 540-6816 | Clerk Designee | russrelyea@gmail.com | English | |
Heidi McCowen | (801) 540-0366 | Clerk Designee | Heidijo.McCowen@yahoo.com | English | |
Sean Cleary | (714) 600-8079 | Clerk Designee | English | ||
Colin Carter | (360) 808-7451 | Clerk Designee | cwcarter187@hotmail.com | English | |
Ronald Flake | (307) 747-6636 | Clerk Designee | wyomingron@gmail.com | English | |
Andrew Paras | Clerk Designee | cannonbeach5@aol.com | English | ||
Austen Loertsher | (435) 770-6554 | Clerk Designee | austen.pacs@gmail.com | English | |
Miguel Carrasco | (801) 548-8333 | Clerk Designee | slcweddingofficiant@gmail.com | English Spanish |
miguelradiounica.wixsite.com/weddingofficiant |
Gary Merrell | (307) 690-6699 | Clerk Designee | merrellwestdesign@gmail.com | English | |
Byron Diamond | (801) 860-0488 | Clerk Designee | bbdiamond1974@yahoo.com | English | bdiamondleather.com |
Jonathan Wright | (801) 915-0597 | Clerk Designee | riley_wright@hotmail.com | English | |
Jessica Chacon | (385) 405-3873 | Clerk Designee | jessavchacon@gmail.com | English | |
Matthew Westrich | (801) 201-6778 | Clerk Designee | TheBigSgt@hotmail.com | English | |
William Kennedy | (801) 529-4616 | Clerk Designee | BigBilly451@yahoo.com | English | |
Travis Kester | (801)-920-9283 | Clerk Designee | traviskester@outlook.com | English | |
Jerrold Scriver Jr. | (706) 263-6839 | Clerk Designee | Thescrivers@yahoo.com | English | |
Aubrey Bostick | Clerk Designee | aubreyrosebud@msn.com | English | ||
Sherita Schaefer | (801) 690-3821 | Clerk Designee | Miseducation.of.sherita@gmail.com | English | |
Shauna Ray | (801) 389-6947 | Clerk Designee | shaunarayrealtor@gmail.com | English | shaunaray.com |
Quinten Bertlshofer | (801) 690-4902 | Clerk Designee | Drum_14@hotmail.com | English | |
Andrew Willis | (801) 643-0424 | Clerk Designee | willisaw@gmail.com | English | |
Jessie Anna Whitnack-Davidson | (801) 941-6271 | Clerk Designee | jjbeanco@gmail.com | English | |
Stephanie Smith | (801) 690-2413 | Clerk Designee | stephanie.smith.14142727@gmail.com | English | |
Christina Dee | (801) 918-3372 | Clerk Designee | cdee0252@gmail.com | English | |
Michael Roe | (801) 643-6779 | Clerk Designee | huffleroe@aol.com | English |
Glen Cook | 801-261-0674 | Clerk Designee | Utahofficiant@gmail.com | English |
Utahofficiant.com |
Kooper Conway | Clerk Designee | KooperConway@gmail.com | English |
Michael Markey Geilman | 801-690-3245 | Clerk Designee | mmgeilmann@gmail.com | English |
Terry B. Smith | Clerk Designee | Benjer2121@yahoo.com | English German |
Jayrod Pernell Garrett | (801)389-3852 | Clerk Designee | JayrodPG@gmail.com | English |
Kelsey Liliana Call | 801-510-5398 | Clerk Designee | kelsey@eventsbyevoke.com | English | eventsbyevoke.com |
Mark L Brown | 385-205-1072 | Clerk Designee | mark.l.brown.1313@gmail.com | English |
instagram.com\weddingministermark\ |
Austin Matthew Spell | Clerk Designee | DesigneeAustin@spelltechsolutions.com | English |
Jesse Valenciano Jr | 928-863-9207 | Clerk Designee | Jessevalencianojr@gmail.com | English Spanish |
Anthony Sean Evans | 801-634-4708 | Clerk Designee | wiskater3@gmail.com | English |
Darrell Eugene Wolfe Jr | 801-678-8043 | Clerk Designee | Dewj.Wolfe14@gmail.com | English | |
Nathan Andrew Jones | 916-792-1636 | Clerk Designee | nj37050@gmail.com | English |
Tiara Ann Martin | 801-603-6862 | Clerk Designee | tiaramartinn@gmail.com | english | |
Jakob Oenes | 801-510-5170 | Minister | joenes@comast.net | English | |
Praise-God Barebones | 425-551-7710 | Clerk Designee | reverend.barebones@gmail.com | English |
Jeremy Bryan Acker | 801-645-5734 | Clerk Designee | bearkb18@hotmail.com | English |
BreAnne Wolfe | 801-678-8811 | Clerk Deisgnee | brejrwolfe@gmail.com | English |
Erica Fe Larsen | 385-524-1361 | Clerk Designee | larsen.ericafe@gmail.com | English Spanish |
Timothy Kendell | 801-698-2855 | Clerk Designee | tjkendell801@gmail.com | English |
Jodi Kay Bassett | 801-564-3681 | Clerk Designee | JoJobassett47@gmail.com | English | JoJobassett@msn.com |
Aloha Lei Reynolds | 801-694-8271 | Clerk Designee | alohareynolds@gmail.com | English | |
Casey Zamora | 385-289-9308 | Clerk Designee | Casey.Zamora@Gmail.com | English | |
Sebastian Benitez | 801-317-3517 | Clerk Designee | sebasalicia@gmail.com | Spanish English |
Charles Sharpe | 912-253-2410 | Clerk Designee | sharpecl1966@gmail.com | English | |
Daniel B. Olson | 801-643-5981 | Clerk Designee | dweebeyo@yahoo.com | English |
Carlton Paul Grimes | 801-745-7277 | Clerk Designee | cgrimes@grimescorp.com | English |
Lorena Margarita Tiscareno | 801-644-8995 | Clerk Designee | Loretiscare@gmail.com | English Spanish |
Elizandro Garnica | 801-698-1836 | Clerk Designee | alexgarnica61@hotmail.com | Spanish | |
William Jeffrey Beasley | 805-551-1413 | Clerk Designee | BBeasley87@aol.com | English |
Tamara Gail Hernandez | 385-600-9305 | Clerk Designee | hernandeztami63@yahoo.com | English |
Danny Dean Hernandez | 385-600-9304 | Clerk Designee | danher1956@yahoo.com | English |
Evelyn Louise Sabrowski | 801-389-6551 | Clerk Designee | e.l.sabrowski@gmail.com | English | |
Jose Rolando Patino | 801-612-2211 | Clerk Designee | Spanish |
Irene Reyna | 801-695-1755 | Clerk Designee | reynairene@icloud.com | Spanish |
Yureismer Josefina Echenique | 801-603-8468 | Clerk Designee | echeniqueyureismer2@gmail.com | Spanish |
Leon Alberto Aravjo | 801-668-9037 | Clerk Designee | Spanish English |
Donald Lewis | (801) 427-5484 | Clerk Designee | English | ||
Derek Williamson | 801-645-5504 | Clerk Designee | Derekjoshuawilliamson@gmail.com | instagram.com/derekwlz | |
Tanner Flinders | 801-725-1355 | Clerk Desingee | catfishmanor@hotmail.com | English | |
John Durrant | 801-690-8901 | Clerk Designee | durrant7274@gmail.com | English |
Briden Bird | 8013894513 | Clerk Designee | BridenBird@gmail.com | English | |
Melissa Hernandez-Duran | 385-368-2733 | Clerk Designee | melissaduran2314@gmail.com | English | |
Lizeth Soledad Schilling | 801-821-3771 | Clerk Designee | realtorsethc@gmail.com | English Spanish |
Eulogio Alejandre | 385-333-8280 | Clerk Designee | EAlajandre@aol.com | Spanish |
Sabrina McCreight | 661-350-5747 | Non Denominational Minister | smccreight10@yahoo.com | English | |
Lesbia Thamara Figueredo | 385-405-4282 | Clerk Designee | abg.figueredothamara@gmail.com | Spanish Only |
David Antonio Merino | 801-608-1583 | clerk designee | davimrino07@icloud.com | English Spanish |
Bruce C Chang | 801-698-6088 | Clerk Designee | changfam5@gmail.com | English Chinese |
Maria E. Corral | (385) 250-9187 | Clerk Designee | Maricorral22@yahoo.com | English, Spanish | |
Kerry W. Gibson | (801) 940-0475 | Clerk Designee | kerrywgibson@gmail.com | English |
Colton Reeve Auger | (801) 678-6273 | Clerk Designee | coltonauger3@gmail.com | English |
Joel W. Deeble | (801) 214-5542 | Clerk Designee | debblejo1@gmail.com | English | |
Joshua Tanner | (385) 244-9871 | Clerk Designee | josh.tanner05@gmail.com | English |
Richard Nolasco | (385) 238-5833 | Clerk Designee | Mr.Richardnotary@gmail.com | English Spanish |
David Eric Hemmers | 801-920-5812 | Clerk Designee | 4hemmers@gmail.com | English |
Thomas James Reynolds | 801-648-3654 | Clerk Designee | thomas.jreynolds.96@gmail.com | English | |
Alex Izrael Benitez Ojeda | 801-821-1478 | Clerk Designee | alexbenni631@gmail.com | English, Spanish | |
Susana Perez-Borda | 801-888-2271 | Clerk Designee | susypb78@gmail.com | English, Spanish | |
Don Lore | 801-627-3933 | Clerk Designee | dlore@gmail.com | English, Spanish | |
Rozlind Hansen | Clerk Designee | rozlindhansen@yahoo.com | English Spanish |
Carlos Jose Jimenez Inciarte | 801-458-8531 | Clerk designee | legalmenteusa@gmail.com | English Spanish |
www.legalmente.us |
Soraya Guadalupe Luna | 8014587107 | sorayagluna@gmail.com | Spanish |
Lionela Garcia | 805-881-2433 | Clerk Designee | lgarcia6733@gmail.com | English/Spanish |
Betzaida Castro | 8017029180 | Clerk designee | reynataxservice@gmail.com | Spanish |
Mitchell Bret Jones | 913-980-1416 | maverikbbjones@gmail.com | French Tahitain |
Brent Allen Hughes | 801-582-8875 | Clerk Designee | BretnaHughes@comcast.net | ||
Dana D. Monson | 801-866-7779 | Clerk designee | foxcreek63@gmail.com | English |