Real Property, A Basic Overview
Assessors must plan for two types of appraisal programs: annual update and reappraisal. Reappraisal involves physical inspection of at least one fifth of the county’s property inventory each year (Five Year Review of Property Characteristics Plan). Reappraisal looks at all physical components of properties to ensure all characteristics are correct. Reappraisal is identified with physical inspections or updated aerial photographs when possible.
Physical InspectionsRemodeling, expansion, and renovation projects are often completed without building permits. Various other changes can occur to land and improvements which the Assessor’s Office may not detect without an on-site inspection of the property. Utah state law requires all property be physically re-inspected at least once every five years. (59-2-303.1)
Aerial Photographs
Regular updates of aerial photographs provide an excellent means for reappraisal collection. Discovery of new, or modifications to, structures and developments are readily detected when the new photographs are compared to the old. In addition, aerial photographs may make it possible to inspect areas of the county that are otherwise inaccessible.
In order to ensure that the Weber County Assessor’s Office has the correct information, a review of physical characteristics occurs every five years. In the interim, state code allows the Assessor’s Office to send inquiries to homeowners to confirm the information on file. This process involves a short questionnaire regarding the home’s characteristics. This survey is delivered by a member of the reappraisal team. You can complete the questionnaire and return by mail or, complete and submit online.