Information from Weber County Regarding Ogden Valley Feasibility Study

County | Posted 04-30-2024

Please consider the following information in regards to the `supplemental` feasibility study for the proposed incorporation of Ogden Valley, dated April 2024.

LRB Public Finance Advisors was contracted by the Lieutenant Governor's (LG's) Office to create a feasibility study for the proposed incorporation of Ogden Valley.

The County provided historical data to LRB but did not write the study nor was involved with the projections for future years. LRB interpreted the data provided by the County and came to its own conclusions about the feasibility of the proposed Ogden Valley Incorporation. The projected numbers presented in the study were not verified, substantiated, or corroborated by the County.

The County recognizes that there are many viewpoints that have been and will continue to be expressed about the feasibility study and the overall question of incorporation. However, the County does not certify or approve the feasibility study. That process is the responsibility of the LG's Office.

The County maintains its neutrality as to the question of the proposed incorporation and the various interpretations of the data which it has provided. Citizens can view the County provided historical data in a spreadsheet online at The spreadsheet is titled "Detailed Municipal Services Fund Revenues and Expenditures 2018 - 2022."

If you have questions about the feasibility study, please contact LRB or the LG's Office.