Under the direction of the Board of County Commissioners of Weber County, State of Utah, I hereby list the properties upon which taxes and/or attached special assessments were levied for the year indicated by said Board but were unpaid and therefore delinquent after the 30th* of November for the year indicated. Unless the delinquent taxes, together with penalty*** of the greater amount of $10 or 2% of the taxes are paid by January 15th following the year of delinquency, the amount of taxes and penalty shall bear interest on a per annum basis from January 1st following the delinquency date. This interest is 600 basis points (6%) above the Federal Discount Rate** on January 1st following the delinquency date.
Lynelle Jensen, CPA, Treasurer of Weber County, Utah.
(Statutory reference: U.C.A. 59-2-1332.5)
*If November 30th is a Saturday or Sunday, then the next day that is not a Saturday or Sunday.
**Starting in 2003 the "targeted federal funds rate" is used instead of the federal discount rate.
***Starting in 2010, the penalty and interest requirements changed. The penalty was changed to the greater of $10 or 1% of the delinquent amount due if the current year delinquent tax was paid-in-full between December 1st and January 31st, otherwise the penalty amount is the greater of $10 or 2.5% of the amount that was delinquent on December 1st. The interest changed to 6% above the targeted federal funds rate, but this must fall within a minimum of 7% and a maximum of 10%.
State of Utah
County of Weber
I, Lynelle Jensen, county treasurer of the county of Weber, state of Utah, do certify that to the best of my knowledge the attached record is a full, true, and correct record and constitutes the official record of all properties which became delinquent for the year listed, and shows in the same order as the property appears on the assessment roll, the name of the person to whom the property is assessed, the description of the delinquent parcel and a reference to the parcel, serial, or account number under which the property was listed in the assessment roll, the amount of taxes, tax notice charges, penalties, administrative costs, the date of redemption, and by whom the property was redeemed if any redemption has been made.
Signature: Lynelle Jensen
County Treasurer of Weber County
(Statutory reference: U.C.A. 59-2-1339)
If any property that is listed is related to or involved with any bankruptcy, the property is listed as information only and is not an attempt to collect the debt in violation of bankruptcy laws.
Each December, a delinquent property tax list is prepared. Choose the delinquent list from the following tax years: