Minutes for 2010-01-12, Direct pdf link.
Tuesday, January12, 2009 - 10:00 a.m.
Commission Chambers, 2380 Washington Blvd., Ogden, Utah
In accordance with the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-7(1)(d), the County Clerk records in the minutes the names of all citizens who appear and speak at a County Commission meeting and the substance “in brief” of their comments. Such statements may include opinion or purported facts. The County does not verify the accuracy or truth of any statement but includes it as part of the record pursuant to state law.Commissioners: Kenneth A. Bischoff, Chair, Jan M. Zogmaister, and Craig L. Dearden
Others Present: Alan D. McEwan, Clerk/Auditor; David C. Wilson, Deputy County Attorney; Fátima Fernelius, Clerk/Auditor’s Office, took minutes.
A. Welcome - Chair Bischoff
B. Pledge of Allegiance - John Bond
C. Thought of the Day - Chair Bischoff
D. Presentation on West Davis Corridor Study
Randy Jefferies, UDOT Project Manager, stated that UDOT and the Federal Highway Administration are beginning a federal environmental study (Environmental Impact Statement or EIS) of a potential transportation corridor in western Davis and Weber Counties. It deals primarily with western Davis County as far as Centerville on the south, 12th Street, Ogden, on the north, the lakeshore on the west and I-15 on the east. Currently, specific future transportation needs in the area are undetermined. The EIS process will take 3-5 years during which time UDOT and its partners will evaluate the transportation needs to identify potential solutions through 2040. UDOT has been meeting with cities and the two counties, and Mr. Jefferies listed the dates for upcoming meetings.
Studies in 2001 and 2009 identified potential corridors as part of the long range planning process for the region. An extension of the Legacy Parkway is one of many alternatives that may be considered, however, a final alignment and corridor have not been selected. Mr. Jefferies stated that the outcome needs to meet a transportation need and be an asset to the affected communities. UDOT is committed to keeping the county informed and involved in the process.
Commissioner Zogmaister said that Mr. Jefferies had noted that this study would have no connection to Legacy Parkway and she understood that the results of the Legacy study would not transfer to this study. Mr. Jefferies had been referring to the physical connection, but it is unknown at this time whether there will be a physical connection to Legacy. The study will involve highways, bus rapid transit, various local road networks, etc. The analysis will include Legacy that has been built and this study will be for the area north. Commissioner Zogmaister asked if once the EIS was completed that started a timeline/obligation to move to the next step and Mr. Jefferies said there is nothing set but generally it takes 3-5 years after an EIS completion to start a project because growth patterns start to change, etc., and then some of the study’s value begins to decrease. Commissioner Zogmaister asked what would determine how far this would go into Weber County and Mr. Jefferies said it was primarily the transportation need; the preliminary traffic modeling shows the demand decreases quite significantly north of 12th Street. Commissioner Zogmaister noted that it could also end at 5600 South if the demand dropped off at that point. Mr. Jefferies said that was correct, they will study the presented area and alternatives may be shortened. Commissioner Zogmaister could see benefit only to 5600.
E. Consent Items:
1. Purchase Orders in the amount of $1,158,550.83
2. Warrants #257821 - #258012 in the amount of $1,894,238.73
3. Minutes for the meetings held on December 22 and 29, 2009
4. New beer licenses
5. New business license
6. Retirement Agreement with Roger Brunker - C2010-1
Commissioner Dearden moved to approve the consent items; Commissioner Zogmaister seconded, all voting aye.
F. Action Items
1. Contract by/between Weber County and Wells Fargo Brokerage Services LLC and Wachovia Bank National Association to allow Wells Fargo to assign its remarketing duties to its subsidiary (Wachovia) related to Enable Industries variable-rate bonds that were issued through Weber County in 2003 - Contract C2010-2
Dan Olsen, County Comptroller, stated that in 2003 the county issued private activity bonds on behalf of Enable Industries. This provides tax exempt interest rates to the entity to lower its borrowing costs. The interest rates for these bonds reset every week and the current remarketing agent is Wells Fargo, which purchased portions of Wachovia Bank and now desires that Wachovia handle the remarketing duties. This contract expresses the county’s agreement with this assignment.
Commissioner Dearden moved to approve the consent items; Commissioner Zogmaister seconded, all voting aye.Commissioner Zogmaister moved to approve Contract C2010-2 by/between Weber County and Wells Fargo Brokerage Services LLC and Wachovia Bank National Association to allow Wells Fargo to assign its remarketing duties to Wachovia related to Enable Industries variable-rate bonds that were issued through Weber County in 2003; Commissioner Dearden seconded, all voting aye.
2. Resolution appointing members to the Weber County Boundary Commission - Resolution 2-2010
Rob Scott, County Planning Division, stated that at Weber Area Council of Government’s December meeting it was discovered that appointments needed to be updated in the County Boundary Commission. The county has the opportunity to appoint two representatives, which in the past have been the County Attorney and the County Recorder/Surveyor.
Commissioner Dearden moved to adopt Resolution 2-2010 appointing Dee Smith, County Attorney, and Ernest Rowley, County Recorder/Surveyor, to the Weber County Boundary Commission; Commissioner Zogmaister seconded.
Roll Call Vote:
Commissioner Zogmaister aye
Commissioner Dearden aye
Chair Bischoff aye
3. Request for discussion/action on Notice of Noncompliance and Suspension of Final Plat Approval
This item was held.
4. Contract with Salzburger Echo to provide entertainment at the 2010 Hof Winterfest being held at the Golden Spike Event Center January 15-16, 2010 - Contract C2010-3
Jim Harvey, GSEC, presented this contract, which is for $2,400.
Commissioner Zogmaister moved to approve Contract C2010-3 with Salzburger Echo to provide entertainment at the 2010 Hof Winterfest at the Golden Spike Event Center 1/15-16, 2010; Commissioner Dearden seconded, all voting aye.
5. Contract with TRAX AV to provide professional sound at the 2010 Hof Winterfest being held at the Golden Spike Event Center January 15-16, 2010 - Contract C2010-4
Jim Harvey, GSEC, presented this contract, which is for $2,500.
Commissioner Dearden moved to approve Contract C2010-4 with TRAX AV to provide professional sound at the 2010 Hof Winterfest at the Golden Spike Event Center January 15-16, 2010; Commissioner Zogmaister seconded, all voting aye.
6. Contract with Kerry Christensen to provide entertainment at the 2010 Hof Winterfest being held at the Golden Spike Event Center January 15 and 16, 2010 - Contract C2010-5
Jim Harvey, GSEC, presented this contract, which is for $2,400.
Commissioner Zogmaister moved to approve Contract C2010-5 with Kerry Christensen to provide entertainment at the 2010 Hof Winterfest at the Golden Spike Event Center January 15-16, 2010; Commissioner Dearden seconded, all voting aye.
7. Contract with Minimax to provide entertainment at the 2010 Hof Winterfest being held at the Golden Spike Event Center January 15 and 16, 2010 - Contract C2010-6
Jim Harvey, GSEC, presented this contract, which is for $3,000.
Commissioner Dearden moved to approve Contract C2010-6 with Minimax to provide entertainment at the 2010 Hof Winterfest at the Golden Spike Event Center January 15-16, 2010; Commissioner Zogmaister seconded, all voting aye.
8. Contract with Weber State Rodeo Team to hold an Inter Collegiate Rodeo at the Golden Spike Event Center March 5-6, 2010 - Contract C2010-7
Jim Harvey, GSEC, presented this standard contract.
Commissioner Dearden moved to approve Contract C2010-7 with Weber State Rodeo Team to hold an Inter Collegiate Rodeo at the Golden Spike Event Center March 5-6, 2010; Commissioner Zogmaister seconded, all voting aye.
G. Assign Pledge of Allegiance & Thought of the Day for Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 10 a.m.
H. Public Comments: None
I. Adjourn
Commissioner Bischoff moved to adjourn at 10:15 a.m.; Commissioner Zogmaister seconded, all voting aye.
Kenneth A. Bischoff, Chair
Weber County Commission
Alan D. McEwan, CPA
Weber County Clerk/Auditor