Minutes for 2006-07-25, Direct pdf link.
Thursday, July 25, 2006 - 10:00 a.m.
Commission Chambers, Weber Center, Ogden, Utah
Each Commission meeting is recorded on CD or audio tape, which is available to the public through the
County Clerk's Office.
In accordance with the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-7(1)(d),
the County Clerk records in the minutes the names of all citizens
who appear and speak at a County
Commission meeting and the substance “in brief” of their comments. Such statements may include opinion or
purported facts. The County does not verify the accuracy or truth of any statement but includes it as part of
the record pursuant to state law.
Commissioners Present: Craig L. Dearden, Chair; Camille T. Cain; and Kenneth A. Bischoff.
Others Present: Linda G. Lunceford, Clerk/Auditor; David Wilson, Deputy County Attorney; Fátima
Fernelius, Clerk/Auditor’s Office, took minutes.
A. Welcome - Chair Dearden
B. Pledge of Allegiance - Scott Mendoza
C. Thought of the Day - Chair Dearden
D. Consent Items:
1. Purchase Orders in the amount of $101,625.99
2. Warrants #215598 - #215881 in the amount of $1,835,443.22
3. Minutes for meeting held on July 18, 2006
Commissioner Bischoff moved to approve the consent items as presented; Commissioner Cain
seconded, all voting aye.
E. Action Items:
1. Contract with Official Payments Corporation to Process Credit Card Payments
of Property Taxes - Contract C2006-119
John Bond, Treasurer’s Office, stated that Official Payments Corporation would process credit
card payments of property taxes.
Commissioner Cain moved to approve Contract C2006-119 by/between Weber County and
Official Payments Corporation to process credit card payments of property taxes; Commissioner
Bischoff seconded, all voting aye.
2. Appointing Pat Iaonne to the Tax Review Committee
John Bond, Treasurer’s Office, presented the Tax Review Committee’s recommendation to
appoint Ms. Iaonne to this Committee.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to appoint Pat Iaonne to the Weber County Tax Review
Committee; Commissioner Cain seconded, all voting aye.
3. Contract with Northern Utah Public Safety Network Access Point (NUPS-NAP)
to Improve Communication between Public Agencies in the Greater
Weber/Morgan County Area by Providing a Standardized Data Communication &
Exchange Infrastructure - Contract C2006-120
Tammy Weese, Weber Dispatch Center, stated that a grant had been awarded in 2004 to improve
interoperable communication within and between the public safety agencies in Weber/Morgan
counties. This grant allows taking all the public safety servers out of Ogden City’s network and
putting them into a network of its own to make them more secure and to bring all police and fire
agencies in a consistent manner into that network.
There is a two part charge to the grant consisting of connectivity and network. Weber County is
currently on a fiber link thus there will be no connectivity cost but there will be an annual network
maintenance cost of $1,167.30. However, the first year cost for Weber County will be borne by
the grant until the grant is exhausted, which may be about 11 months. The price is guaranteed for
three years (with the first year being covered) and the county picking up the cost for the next two
years. Re-evaluation is to occur the second year to see if there will be an increase and this allows
one year predetermination for budgetary purposes. Leonard Call, Information Technology
Department Director, will be the project manager for Weber County. A steering Committee will
help govern this NUPS-NAP. One member will come from Weber County, one from Ogden City,
one from the Weber Dispatch District and four other members will be elected by the other
agencies. Legal counsel had reviewed this contract and had no concerns.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to approve Contract C2006-120 by/between Weber County and
Northern Utah Public Safety Network Access to improve communication between public safety
agencies in the greater Weber/Morgan area by providing a standardized data communication and
exchange infrastructure; Commissioner Cain seconded, all voting aye.
4. Contract with Broken Heart Rodeo Co., LLC, to have a Rodeo at the Weber
County Fair Friday, August 11, 2006 - Contract C2006-121
Jan Wilson, Weber County Fair, presented this contract in the amount of $5,600 for Ben German’s
production fee.
Commissioner Cain moved to approve Contract C2006-121 by/between Weber County and Broken
Heart Rodeo Co., LLC, to hold a rodeo at the Weber County Fair Friday, August 11, 2006;
Commissioner Bischoff seconded, all voting aye.
5. Conditional approval of Contract with Pictometry International for Purchase
of an Overflight of Weber County to Take Pictures & a Computer Program with
a Perpetual License - Contract C2006-122
Lance Peterson, County Emergency Management, stated that the county had been negotiating with
Pictometry for about 1½ years. Pictometry initially asked for $88,000/year for two years for this
service, which is to fly over the county taking not only Ortho but also Oblique imagery, which
gives a much greater view of the community. Mr. Peterson had acquired a homeland security grant
in the amount of $88,000 for the first year. He had also approached WACOG and looked for other
funding resources. This project will cover the entire county except a small area in Mount Ogden
Peak because it is too high but Ogden City had indicated that Mr. Chris Peterson was interested
in perhaps funding that small area. This is a county-wide license and every city would have access
to this information at no charge.
Mr. Peterson had been working with the Assessor’s Office, County GIS, Operations, and Ogden
City GIS on this item. Some issues raised last year had been addressed such as that the county
would now own the photos, and could print them for public use. Last month Pictometry proposed
a contract amount of $88,000 with the request that if the County Operations and Assessor’s Office
submitted $10,000-$15,000 in their budget for next year (not to be contingent upon Commission
approval), that Ogden City did the same, and that two grant applications would be submitted,
Pictometry would abate the second year’s payment on this contract in hopes that they would be
able to obtain through a grant a much larger project.
Chair Dearden asked if this project was related to the State’s UGS project and Ernest Rowley,
County Surveyor, said that until this morning he had not been aware that this contract was being
pursued. There had been some meetings several months ago about this project and at that time the
Surveyor’s Office had expressed a couple concerns, the main one being licensing because that
contract had stated that Pictometry would retain sole ownership and exclusive rights to this
product. With that license, if the county chose not to continue to pay for the product in subsequent
years, Pictometry would require the county to remove all imagery and data from its servers.
Additionally, if the county used or printed that imagery it would have to pay Pictometry for each
of those documents and that data could not be disseminated to the public without paying a portion
for each of those products. Mr. Peterson said that the contract had been amended and the issues
raised last year had been resolved. The county’s legal counsel had reviewed this contract and
Schedule A modified Pictometry’s basic contract and allowed the county to use the
photographs/documents in any manner it chose, furthermore, if Pictometry sold any of the county’s
photographs, the county would receive a royalty. Commissioner Bischoff asked if the State’s
project accommodated Mr. Peterson’s goals and he said it did not because the State only did Ortho
imagery which was inadequate. Pictometry’s project has application for the County’s GIS and
Assessor’s functions but it was not known what application it would have for the Surveyor’ Office.
The original intent of this project was public safety. David Wilson, Deputy County Attorney,
asked how much the annual license fee was. Mr. Peterson said that in conjunction with this, the
county was purchasing a perpetual license fee which was about $17,000-$18,000. Mr. Peterson
said that there would be some duplication between this project and the State’s, but the State had
not been interested in it a year ago and County Emergency Management had originally looked at
this contract strictly from the public safety perspective.
Mr. Rowley addressed Chair Dearden’s question stating that the State’s main project was meter
pixel which produced poor quality imagery and would only cover from the U.S. Forest boundary
and the eastern part of the county. For the lower part of the county, with the main urban corridor,
the State would be flying at 1 ft. pixel which provided much better imagery. Efforts had been
made to get commitments for funding from some of the cities to help bring the 1 ft. imagery to a
6 inch pixel imagery. Mr. Rowley said that from talking with Mr. Peterson this morning, it
appeared that Pictometry’s pixel quality would also be better than the State’s, which was important
in terms of accuracy for surveying and engineering.
Commissioner Cain noted that the contract copy before the Commission was not complete and it
was then discovered that figures printed in red on the original contract had not copied. She felt
there were too many questions at this time relating to the figures, the area covered, ownership, and
whether or not the Surveyor’s Office would be able to use the program. Chair Dearden read from
the contract which stated that the county, as the licensee, could use the data as it deemed necessary.
Commissioner Cain said that the State was only doing a central portion of the county and the
county had allocated some funding to exceed that area and to get it in finer detail and the question
was whether to spend that money or to withdraw. Pictometry wanted the contract signed by July
31, 2006.
Leonard Call, Information Technology Department Director, referenced contract items relating to
his department and raised questions because he did not have an opportunity to review the contract.
One of the items called for the county to provide digital elevation models within 30 days and he
did not know what that entailed. Mr. Peterson said that Ogden City had offered half a terabyte of
space on their system if the county needed it. Pictometry had only requested about 400 gigabytes
of storage space and he had planned to work out some of the details with County GIS once they
got closer to implementing this program. Chair Dearden suggested giving this item conditional
approval today and that a meeting be held between Mr. Peterson, Mr. Call, Mr. Rowley, and Mr.
Larsen (Assessor’s Office) on Thursday and make the contract subject to approval of those
departments. Mr. Wilson said he had some questions and would give some input. Commissioner
Cain preferred not giving conditional approval because there were too many
unanswered questions and all affected departments–GIS, IT, Operations, Assessor, and
Surveyor–should have an opportunity to review a complete contract, then meet and if everyone
agreed on all the items, including understanding the product and how it would be used, application
for other offices, and the cost, the contract could be signed by the Chair. She requested that since
this was a county-wide project the data should reside with the county and not with any city and Mr.
Peterson agreed. Mr. Rowley said that Ogden City had already declined to be with the State
project. Riverdale City had opted not to join in the project.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to give conditional approval of Contract C2006-122 by/between
Weber County and Pictometry International for purchase of an overflight of Weber County to take
pictures and a computer program with a perpetual license, contingent upon a meeting being held
between all the affected county departments and all questions being answered, and if so the Chair
can sign the agreement; Chair Dearden seconded.
Commissioner Bischoff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .aye
Chair Dearden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .aye
Commissioner Cain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .nay
G. Assign Pledge of Allegiance & Thought of the Day for Tues., August 1, 2006, 6 p.m.
H. Public Comments:
I. Adjourn
Commissioner Cain moved to adjourn at 10:52 a.m.; Commissioner Bischoff seconded, all voting
Craig L. Dearden, Chair
Weber County Commission
Linda G. Lunceford, CPO
Weber County Clerk/Auditor