Minutes for 2006-04-11, Direct pdf link.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - 10:00 a.m.
Commission Chambers, Weber Center, Ogden, Utah
Each Commission meeting is recorded on CD or audio tape, which is available to the public through the
County Clerk's Office.
In accordance with the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-7(1)(d),
the County Clerk records in the minutes the names of all citizens
who appear and speak at a County
Commission meeting and the substance “in brief” of their comments. Such statements may include opinion or
purported facts. The County does not verify the accuracy or truth of any statement but includes it as part of
the record pursuant to state law.
Commissioners Present: Craig L. Dearden, Chair; Camille T. Cain; and Kenneth A. Bischoff.
Others Present: Linda G. Lunceford, Clerk/Auditor; David C. Wilson, Deputy County Attorney; Fátima
Fernelius, Clerk/Auditor’s Office, took minutes.
A. Welcome - Chair Dearden
B. Pledge of Allegiance - Shelly Halacy
C. Thought of the Day - Chair Dearden
D. Consent Items:
1. Purchase Orders in the amount of $261,804.93
2. Warrants #212038 - #212232 in the amount of $1,898,893.51
3. Minutes for the meetings held on March 28, 2006 and April 4, 2006
4. Set public hearing for May 16, 2006, 6 p.m., regarding Zoning Petition ZP #05-2006 by Wolf
Creek Properties to re-zone property at approximately 3600 N. Wolf Creek Drive from Forest
Residential FR-3 to Commercial Valley CV-2
5. Set public hearing for May 16, 2006, 6 p.m., regarding Zoning Petition ZP #03-2006 by Wolf
Creek Properties to amend the Wolf Creek Master Plan by adding approximately 174 acres with
106 development rights to the Wolf Creek Master Plan and zone the property Residential Estate
RE-15 and Forest Residential FR-3
6. Set public hearing for May 16, 2006, 6 p.m., to consider rezoning property at 2640 North Highway
162, from Agricultural AV-3 to Commercial CV-2
7. Set public hearing for April 18, 2006, 6 p.m., for a second public hearing for 2006 Community
Development Block Grant approved projects
Commissioner Bischoff moved to approve the consent items; Commissioner Cain seconded, all
voting aye.
E. Action Items:
1. Final approval of Green Hills Estates Phase 6 Lot 99 1st Amendment (1 lot),
located at approximately 1331 N. Maple Drive
Sean Wilkinson, County Planning Department, stated that the petitioner was requesting changing
the buildable area of this lot located in the Green Hills Estates Phase 6. New survey data showed
a better building area where slopes are less than 25%. Mr. Wilkinson had visited the site and felt
this would be a better building area. Mr. Wilkinson addressed the commissioners’ questions
stating that the Planning Commission had recommended approval and all the requirements had
been met.
Commissioner Cain moved to grant final approval of Green Hills Estates Phase 6 Lot 99 1st
Amendment (1 lot), located at approximately 1331 N. Maple Drive; Commissioner Bischoff
seconded, all voting aye.
2. Action on the recommendations for prospective appointees to the Fort
Buenaventura Advisory Board
Jennifer Graham, Recreation Facilities Director, stated that a group of community members had
been involved with the Fort since Weber County took ownership of it from the State, however, Ms.
Graham could not find record that a board had been officially appointed. Ms. Graham addressed
the commissioners’ questions. She stated that a meeting schedule had now been set and explained
how members’ terms had been determined.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to approve the recommendations for appointees to the Fort
Buenaventura Advisory Board: Sue Barker (4 years), Betseylee Browning (2 years), William
Critchlow (3 years), Glen Holley (3 years), Ole Jensen (3 years), Barry Lindley (1 year), Kathryn
MacKay (1 year), Earl McCain (4 years), Ken Miller (1 year), Devon Nelson (2 years), Glen
Richter (2 years), and Shelleice Stokes (4 years); Commissioner Cain seconded, all voting aye.
3. Request by the Hooper Cemetery District to the Board of County Commissioners
of Weber County to make board appointments for the Hooper Cemetery District
David Wilson, Deputy County Attorney, stated that questions had been raised some time ago
regarding the legality of this board. Nan Peacock, who was present today, had raised some of
those questions. Contact had been made with the Utah Special District Association which had
been working with the Hooper Cemetery District to bring it into compliance. He referred to the
letter dated March 26, 2006 to the Weber County Commission requesting that the county aid them
in the statutory appointment process. Mr. Wilson asked for approval and for the County Clerk’s
Office to move forward with the process.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to approve the request to move the appointing process forward for
the Hooper Cemetery District; Commissioner Cain seconded, all voting aye.
4. Contract with New Horizons to provide uniform election worker training across
the Wasatch Front Counties and possibly Washington County - Contract C2006-41
Scott Hogensen, Elections Administrator, noted that the success of deploying new election systems
hinged in part on quality training of the election judges. The largest counties in Utah got together
and decided to have standardized uniform training across counties, which will be of great benefit.
Mr. Hogensen said that New Horizons was one of the best qualified companies to conduct the
training. They have extensive history with supplying information technology training to the State
and are Novell and Microsoft certified. New Horizons will provide the scheduling for all the
training, and keep track of who has attended the training and how well they did. The contract
amount is $22 per person trained, it is for a 3-year term and may be renewed for two additional 1-
year periods based upon the same terms (including the same cost). Mr. Hogensen addressed the
commissioners’ questions stating that this training encompassed the election judges, the polling
place managers, and the technicians.
Commissioner Cain moved to approve Contract C006-41 by and between Weber County and New
Horizons to provide uniform election worker training; Commissioner Bischoff seconded, all
voting aye.
F. Assign Pledge of Allegiance & Thought of the Day for Tues., April 18, 2006 at 5:30 p.m.
G. Public Comments:
Connie Chandler asked if the Commission had heard about the controversy on the new voting
machines and if Weber County’s machines were from Diebold. The commissioners replied that all
machines in the State were from Diebold. Scott Hogensen, Elections Administrator, was well aware
of the controversy and stated that all those problems were warranty issues and the machines should
have been returned to Diebold to be repaired. Mr. Hogensen explained that machines were made in
different batches and one particular batch had a different version of Windows CE, which had extra
fonts. Expanded fonts take up more memory, but there are two types of memory and the memory
taken up by the fonts did not affect the actual function of the machines. Additionally, the section that
stores the backup of what happens in the election is stored in three locations on the machine. Mr.
Hogensen addressed Commissioner Cain’s questions. He explained that the machines were first tested
by the State and those with problems were corrected; they then were sent to the counties and each
county did its own acceptance testing. Weber County tested the machines and those with problems
were returned to Diebold. Mr. Hogensen explained that the county’s actual server that ran the election
was completely isolated, was not hooked up to the outside world in any way, and was behind a series
of locked doors. Mr. Hogensen felt the allegation that the machines were California rejects was
unfounded, there were just different versions of Windows CE that were put in different machines.
H. Adjourn
Commissioner Bischoff moved to adjourn at 10:25 a.m.; Commissioner Cain seconded, all voting aye.
Craig L. Dearden, Chair
Weber County Commission
Linda G. Lunceford, CPO
Weber County Clerk/Auditor