Minutes for 2006-01-03, Direct pdf link.
Tuesday, January 3, 2006 - 10:00 a.m.
Commission Chambers, Weber Center, Ogden, Utah
Each Commission meeting is recorded on CD or audio tape, which is available to the public through the County Clerk's Office.
In accordance with the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-7(1)(d), the County Clerk records in the minutes the names of all citizens
who appear and speak at a County Commission meeting and the substance “in brief” of their comments. Such statements may include opinion or
purported facts. The County does not verify the accuracy or truth of any statement but includes it as part of the record pursuant to state law.
Commissioners Present: Craig L. Dearden, Chair, and Kenneth A. Bischoff. Camille T. Cain was
Others Present: Linda G. Lunceford, Clerk/Auditor; David C. Wilson, Deputy County Attorney; Fátima
Fernelius, Clerk/Auditor’s Office, took minutes.
A. Welcome - Chair Dearden
B. Pledge of Allegiance - David Wilson
C. Thought of the Day - Commissioner Bischoff
D. Consent Items:
1. Purchase Orders in the amount of $568,988.10
2. Warrants #208893 - #209066 in the amount of $448,077.95
3. Minutes for the meeting held on December 27, 2005
4. Surplus equipment from Weber County Health Department
5. Surplus 4 weapons from the Weber County Sheriff’s Office
6. Set Public Hearing date for January 17, 2006, 6 p.m., on a Fee Waiver for Plain City Sewer
Commissioner Bischoff moved to approve the consent items; Chair Dearden seconded, both
voting aye.
E. Action Items:
1. Recommendation of the Golden Spike Advisory Board regarding prospective
appointees to fill 4 vacancies on the Board
Jennifer Graham, Recreation Department Director, stated that there was a vacancy due to Scott
Sneddon passing away, in addition to three other vacancies effective January 2006 for four-year
terms. Ms. Graham said that Brian Sneddon had been asked if he would be willing to complete
his deceased father’s term on the board and that he had been willing to do so. Five applications
had been reviewed at the last Arena Board meeting and one had been received by fax while that
meeting was being held. The applicants were listed in the order of the Board’s preference.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to appoint the following to the Golden Spike Advisory Board:
David Freston, Brent Heap and Lil Birt to four-year terms, and Brian Sneddon to fulfill Scott
Sneddon’s term expiring 12/31/2006; Chair Dearden seconded, both voting aye.
2. Property tax refund & associated prorated tax due Weber/Morgan Health Dept.
property and Weber Center Condominium Assoc. property. LSNs: 01-027-0028, 01-
027-0037, 01-027-0002 and 01-027-0004
Douglas Larsen, Assessor’s Office, stated that on February 10, 2004, Weber County Corporation
and Weber County Condominium Association entered into a Purchase/Sale and Development
Agreement (agreement) with Seven Syndicate L.C., an affiliate of Woodbury Corporation, to
develop the new Weber/Morgan Health Department complex and related parking facilities. The
agreement also defined the ownership interests by the Condominium Association in a portion of
the subject property for the east parking for the Weber Center.
Prior to this agreement, Seven Syndicate owned the subject property, thus it was taxable in its
entirety. With approval of the agreement, a large portion of the property became tax exempt as
Weber County Corporation gained an ownership interest. Because the deeds were not recorded
until December 2005, prior year tax assessments were in error. However, the executed agreement
date dictates the ownership date. The Tax Review Committee heard this item and made
recommendations to refund overpayments.
LSN 01-027-0028 should have been exempt from February 10, 2004 forward. Taxes were paid
by Seven Syndicate in the amount of $8,976.22 but the prorated tax due for 2004 was $981.01,
thus the recommended refund to Seven Syndicate is $7,995.21.
LSN 01-027-0002 was assessed and taxes were paid by Seven Syndicate in the amount of
$1,459.17 and the prorated tax due from January 1 to February 10, 2004 is $159.47. Upon
approval of the agreement, the taxable portion of this parcel from February 10, 2004 forward had
split ownership interests between Home Abstract Inc. at 4.16%, with $54.07 tax due, Land of
Ogden at 24.95% ownership interest, with $324.28 tax due, and Weber County Corporation at
70.89% ownership interest (tax exempt). Thus, the recommended refund is $1,299.70.
LSN 01-027-0004 was assessed and taxes were paid in the amount of $840.60 by Seven Syndicate.
Upon execution of the agreement, the taxable portion of this parcel from February 10, 2004
forward had ownership split between Home Abstract at 4.16%, with $31.15 tax due, Land of
Ogden at 24.95%, with $186.81 tax due, and Weber County Corp. at 70.89%. The prorated tax
due is $91.87 and the recommended refund is $748.73.
LSN 01-027-0037 escaped assessment for 2003 and the taxable 2004 portion due from Seven
Syndicate is $155.07.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to approve the property tax refund and associated prorated tax due
as presented for the Weber/Morgan Health Department property and the Weber Center
Condominium Association property; Chair Dearden seconded, both voting aye.
F. Assign Pledge of Allegiance & Thought of the Day for Tues., January 10, 2006, 10 a.m.
G. Public Comments: None
H. Adjourn
Commissioner Bischoff moved to adjourn at 10:20 a.m.; Chair Dearden seconded, both voting aye.
Craig L. Dearden, Chair
Weber County Commission
Linda G. Lunceford, CPO
Weber County Clerk/Auditor