Minutes for 2005-02-22, Direct pdf link.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005 - 10:00 a.m.
Commission Chambers, Weber Center, Ogden, Utah
Each Commission meeting is recorded on CD or audio tape, which is available to the public through the County Clerk's Office.
In accordance with the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-7(1)(d), the County Clerk records in the minutes the names of all citizens who appear and speak at a County Commission meeting and the substance "in brief" of their comments. Such statements may include opinion or purported facts. The County does not verify the accuracy or truth of any statement but includes it as part of the record pursuant to state law.
Commissioners Present: Kenneth A. Bischoff, Chair, Craig L. Dearden, and Camille T. Cain.
Others Present: Linda G. Lunceford, Clerk/Auditor; David C. Wilson, Deputy County Attorney; and Fátima Blackford, Clerk/Auditor's Office, who took minutes.
A. Welcome by Chair Bischoff
B. Pledge of Allegiance was conducted by Jim Gentry
C. Thought of the Day was offered by Commissioner Cain
D. Consent Items:
1. Purchase Orders in the amount of $98,079.82
2. Warrants #198523 - #198784 in the amount of $2,663,667.14
3. Request to surplus the following piece of equipment from the Utah State University Extension: GBC 4250 Laminator #18076
Commissioner Cain moved to approve the consent items; Commissioner Dearden seconded, all voting aye.
E. Action Items:
1. Request for approval of contract by and between the Weber County Sheriff's Office and Blomquist Hale Consulting Group to provide an Employee Assistance Program
Captain Klint Anderson, Weber County Sheriff's Office, stated that under this contract, Blomquist, d.b.a. "Employee Assistance Program" would provide trained professional counselors to employees and/or family members of the Sheriff's Office who felt they needed confidential services. Some of the services provided included work-related issues, relationship difficulties, alcohol and drug problems, legal and financial questions. He said that up to now there had been no training from mental health professionals for supervisors and this program could help protect the county's liability. The contract costs $3.20/month/eligible employee and dependents.
Captain Anderson addressed the commissioners' questions. Commissioner Dearden pointed out a typographical error on item 6 and he asked if it was worth including part-time employees in this contract because they may have other jobs providing the services. Captain Anderson indicated the Sheriff would like to include the part-time employees even if similar services are provided through their full-time employment because they still are a liability to the county, as well as being a valuable resource. This contract would only cover employees who are paid by Weber County for an approximate annual cost of $16,200. Commissioner Cain noted that this amount had been approved in the 2005 budget and felt that the contract should say up to that amount. Under the proposed contract the county would be obligated to pay any excess. Because of HIPPA regulations, if employees go for these services on their own, the Sheriff's Office would not know who they are. Commissioner Cain pointed out the county did not want to duplicate the services already available through medical health insurance. Captain Anderson stated that the Sheriff's Office wanted the ability for supervisors to make referrals for fitness for duty and use the information in the corrective action plans. It would provide resources to supervisors and management who can use it as another tool in their early warning/early intervention program, which can save thousands of dollars and many man hours for employees who can be rehabilitated and can continue in their careers with the Sheriff's Office. Commissioner Cain suggested striking language in the contract calling for automatic renewal at the end of the year unless written notice was given and discussion ensued regarding making the contract effective today and expiring December 31, 2005, and prorating the amount of compensation to fit within the time period.
The commissioners addressed questions from Connie Chandler. She disagreed that the employees should be able to go for consultation without the knowledge of the Sheriff's Office. Commissioner Dearden stated that there were reporting requirements, however, the name of the individuals would be omitted. The contract was held to next week because more information was needed such as duplication of services, part-time employees receiving services, whether or not to consider this only for supervisors' training, and whether the county would pay for sergeants and below grades that interface with both inmates and the public.
2. approval of contract by/between Weber County & Jordan World Productions Inc. for the Jordan World Circus to be held March 2, 2005 at Golden Spike Event Center - Contract C2005-19
Jennifer Graham, Recreation Facilities Director, presented this standard contract.
Commissioner Dearden moved to approve Contract C2005-19 by and between the Weber County Sheriff's Office and Jordan World Productions Inc. for the Jordan World Circus to be held on March 2, 2005 at the Golden Spike Event Center; Commissioner Cain seconded, all voting aye.
3. Request for discussion and/or action on an RFP for an ambulance in the western part of Weber County
Blaine Holmes, West Haven City councilman, noted that Rob Smout, from Marriott-Slaterville, and Reed Richards, representing Hooper City, were present and these three cities had already approved this RFP. They would like to improve ambulance response time and service for the western part of the county, particularly as their cities grow. He noted the growth in these areas was phenomenal, with 300-500 new homes approved in Hooper this year and West Haven would probably double that amount.
Mr. Holmes presented a comparison of ambulance services (obtained from Dispatch) for Weber, Davis, and Utah counties, that included population, number of ambulances, units by population, and EMS calls for service by area in the western part of the county in 2004. Weber County was well over the number of units by population to be adequate in service. His goal was to get at least one more ambulance, preferably two. This RFP would provide some local control and it asks for an advanced level of EMTs (ALS). The county will have a representative on the oversight committee. The contract term would be for four years and there would be an annual report to all four entities. There would not be any additional cost to the entities for the service. Reed Richards, Deputy Weber County Attorney, said that there was no obligation to the county or cities to pay any of the bills, the RFP simply gave authorization to one company to operate for the designated time period. Since Marriott-Slaterville, West Haven and Hooper were part of this, it made sense to include that area of unincorporated county. He added that there was a bill moving fairly rapidly through the legislature, SB 216, that dealt with the issue of entities putting out RFPs for ambulance service providers. Mr. Richards outlined the RFP requirements as outlined in the bill, a process taking about 4-5 months. This FRP process would have to comply with this legislation if it passes, with the exception of those that already have a contract in place.
Commissioner Cain moved to approve the RFP for an ambulance in the western part of Weber County and to appoint Commissioner Dearden or his appointee as the county's representative to the committee; Commissioner Dearden seconded, all voting aye.
4. Appointment of the RAMP Tax Advisory Board Chair
Mike Caldwell, Ice Sheet Director, stated that the Standard Examiner had run a couple of advertisements and applications were sent to everyone that was interested. There were about 35 applicants. These applicants could declare whether they wished to be on the advisory board or in one of the subgroups (recreation and parks, cultural and arts). There are a total of seven advisory board slots, with one being the chair. Mr. Caldwell indicated that everyone had agreed that Candadai (Sesh) Seshachari would be the most appropriate person to chair the advisory board. Reed Richards, Deputy County Attorney, stated that Mr. Seshachari had been dedicated to the RAMP tax since the beginning and had resigned from all the boards that he sat on that might be in conflict. Mr. Richards felt he could be a valuable resource. Mr. Seshachari thanked the Commission for the vote of confirmation. He would like to show the Commission, the city councils, and Weber County residents that this committee will function openly, fairly, and in a timely fashion.
Commissioner Dearden moved to appoint Candadai (Sesh) Seshachari as the RAMP Tax Advisory Board Chair; Commissioner Cain seconded, all voting aye.
F. Assign Pledge of Allegiance & Thought of the Day for Tuesday, March 1, 2005 at 6 p.m.
G. Public Comments:
Commission Dearden asked if the issue discussed last week regarding the deadline set for today on Conditional Use Permit #17-99 had been satisfied. Jim Gentry, County Planning Department, said that his department had received the original letter of credit from the bank and the item would be scheduled on next week's agenda.
Justin Allen, representing Congressman Rob Bishop's office, reported that Congressman Bishop would be holding town meetings in Weber County on Thursday night.
H. Adjourn
Commissioner Cain moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 a.m.; Commissioner Dearden seconded, all voting aye.
Kenneth A. Bischoff, Chair
Weber County Commission
Linda G. Lunceford, CPO
Weber County Clerk/Auditor