Minutes for 2004-07-13, Direct pdf link.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004 - 10:00 a.m.
Commission Chambers, Weber Center, Ogden, Utah
Each Commission meeting is recorded on CD or audio tape, which is available to the public through the County Clerk's Office. In accordance with the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-7(1)(d), the County Clerk records in the minutes the names of all citizens who appear and speak at a County Commission meeting and the substance “in brief” of their comments. Such statements may include opinion or purported facts. The County does not verify the accuracy or truth of any statement but includes it as part of the record pursuant to state law.Commissioners Present: Commissioner Camille T. Cain, Chair, and Commissioner Glen H. Burton. Commissioner Kenneth A. Bischoff was excused.
Others Present: Linda G. Lunceford, Clerk/Auditor; David C. Wilson, Deputy County Attorney; Fátima Blackford, Clerk/Auditor’s Office, took minutes.
A. Welcome by Chair Cain
B. Pledge of Allegiance was conducted by David Wilson
C. Thought of the Day was offered by Commissioner Burton
D. Consent Items:
1. Purchase Orders in the amount of $66,032.37
2. Warrants #190173 - #190636 in the amount of $919,268.49
3. Minutes of Regular Commission Meeting held on June 29, 2004 and July 6, 2004
Commissioner Burton moved to approve the consent items as presented; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
E. Action Items:
1. Presentation of 2003 Financial Report
Chuck Palmer of Crane, Christensen & Ambrose (external auditor for the county) thanked the Commission for allowing their firm to perform the audit and county staff for their cooperation in this process, which had run very smoothly. Crane, Christensen & Ambrose gave an unqualified opinion, which is the best opinion that an auditor can give on financial statements. Chair Cain expressed appreciation for the work done by the firm as well as by county staff.
Dan Olsen, Weber County Comptroller expressed appreciation to all involved in this process. Mr. Olsen presented the “Report to Citizens” highlighting revenues, expenditures, and the General Fund fund balance. The General Fund had a $1 million increase because the county prudently controlled its costs. Property taxes grew 1.6%, sales tax 2.6%, and restaurant taxes 4.6 %. The total 2003 revenues increased 5% and expenditures 6% over 2002. Total fund balances increased $5.5 million or 24%, approximately $4 million of which were due to bond proceeds for construction of the Health Complex and $1.8 million for construction of the landfill gas recovery project. The county had pledged sales tax to pay these bonds, however, it expects the bonds will be repaid entirely from revenues generated from the sale of electricity and from the savings at the Health Department from terminating its existing leases for office space.
Commissioner Burton pointed out that revenues increased in spite of the State not paying the total incarceration bill of State inmates at the Weber County jail. He expressed frustration with the RDA process, stating it is one of the most misused programs because they cut property taxes but the difference still has to picked up and this affects the taxpayers. He would like the County Commission to request a compliance review at the State level of at least all the RDA’s in Weber County because they should be brought into accountability and because the citizens have a right to know where the money is going.
Commissioner Burton moved to approve the 2003 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
2. Request to approve the 2003 Weber County Board of Equalization
Margarit Nersisian, Clerk/Auditor’s Office, stated that the process had been delayed for 2003 due to appeals being completed later and to changes in legislation whereby the county has to accept appeals until March of the following year. Ms. Nersisian presented the 2003 Board of Equalization summary, including the total number of appeals filed (1,495), the total number of appeals where the taxable value was decreased (1,233) and where the taxable value had increased (6). Chair Cain noted that the Commission had approved the hearing results as they had occurred.
Commissioner Burton moved to approve the 2003 Weber County Board of Equalization; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
3. Request to approve 2004 Weber County tax rates
Margarit Nersisian, Clerk/Auditor’s Office, stated that the tax rates had increased and this was due to various factors, including three changes mandated by legislation in calculating tax rates and changes in revenue and value. The many RDAs in Weber County have affected the tax rates. The total tax rate for the county, excluding assessing and collecting, is .003323 and the State and county assessing and collecting is .000340. Commissioner Burton noted that assessing and collecting would most likely be changing. This process had been reviewed at the State level in order to be fair statewide and the burden on some counties would be adjusted. UAC will vote on the issue in November and it will then move to the Legislature. Weber County, which used to receive monies, would pay into the pool approximately $160,000 starting next year.
Commissioner Burton moved to approve the 2004 Weber County tax rates as presented; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
4. Discussion and/or action to amend Eden Incorporation feasibility study contract #C2004-45 with Wikstrom Economic & Planning Consultants to extend the deadline for completion of the contract to August 15, 2004 - Contract C2004-82
David Wilson, Deputy County Attorney, referred to the letter before the Commission from Wikstrom requesting to extend the deadline for completion of the Eden incorporation feasibility study to August 15, 2004 in order to finish their data gathering process. Mr. Wilson said that Monette Hurtado, Deputy County Attorney, had talked with the proponents and they had no objections to the extension. There are no other changes.
Commissioner Burton moved to approve Contract C2004-82 amending the Eden incorporation feasibility study contract #C2004-45 with Wikstrom Economic and Planning Consultants to extend the deadline for completion of the contract to August 15, 2004; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
5. Motion to cancel July 20, 2004 Commission Meeting
Commissioner Burton moved to cancel the July 20, 2004 Commission meeting because the commissioners will be attending the NACo conference; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
F. Assign Pledge of Allegiance & Thought of the Day for Tuesday, July 27,2004 at 10 a.m.
G. Public Comments: None
H. Adjourn
Commissioner Burton moved to adjourn at 10:35 a.m.; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
Camille T. Cain, Chair Linda G. Lunceford, CPO
Weber County Commission Weber County Clerk/Auditor