Minutes for 2004-07-06, Direct pdf link.
Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - 10:05 a.m.
Commission Chambers, Weber Center, Ogden, Utah
Each Commission meeting is recorded on CD or audio tape, which is available to the public through the County Clerk's Office.
In accordance with the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-7(1)(d), the County Clerk records in the minutes the names of all citizens who appear and speak at a County Commission meeting and the substance "in brief" of their comments. Such statements may include opinion or purported facts. The County does not verify the accuracy or truth of any statement but includes it as part of the record pursuant to state law.
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Camille T. Cain, Chair, and Commissioner Kenneth A. Bischoff. Commissioner Glen H. Burton was excused.
Others Present: David C. Wilson, Deputy County Attorney; Fátima Blackford, Clerk/Auditor's Office, took minutes.
A. Welcome by Chair Cain
B. Pledge of Allegiance was conducted by Fátima Blackford
C. Thought of the Day was offered by Chair Cain
D. Consent Items:
1. Purchase Orders in the amount of $104,223.91
2. Warrants #189950-#190172 in the amount of $1,077,935.78
3. New Business License Applications
4. Request by the Operations Department to surplus vehicles
Commissioner Bischoff moved to approve the consent items as presented; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
E. Action Items:
1. Contract by and between Weber County and "TNT" to have "TNT" sell vehicles on their car lot and sell surplus property at auction - Contract C2004-81
Richard Badger, County Operations Department, stated that there had been a bid process for these services. TNT has a car lot in North Salt Lake where they would sell county vehicles for a 5% commission on gross sales and they also have an auction company and would sell county surplus property (i.e., desks) for 5% commission on gross sales.
Commissioner Bischoff asked how many bids had been received and Mr. Badger said that the second bid process had resulted in only one bidder, TNT. In the first bid process there had been two respondents and the best local bid had called for a 60% commission on each vehicle. The commissioners wished to review the bid process documents and they approved this contract subject to their review.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to approve Contract C2004-81 between Weber County and TNT for TNT to sell county vehicles on their car lot and to sell surplus property at auction, subject to the Commission's review of the bid process; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
F. Public Hearings
1. Commissioner Bischoff moved to adjourn the public meeting and convene the public hearings; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
2. Public hearing to amend Chapter 22-D Planned Residential Unit Development
Jim Gentry, County Planning Department, stated that minor changes had been made to the P.R.U.D. Chapter of the Zoning Ordinance to reflect concurrence with existing language in other chapters and he gave a brief overview. The principal amendment to this ordinance involves the landscaping plan. Mr. Gentry stated that developers never installed the landscaping in accordance with their approved landscaping plans. This ordinance eliminates the requirement for the revised landscaping plans to be approved by the Planning District, and then by the County Commission in a public hearing; the revised plan will only go back to the Planning District for their approval. The amendment requires a licensed landscape architect to certify that the planted landscaping meets or exceeds the originally submitted plan. He addressed Chair Cain's questions regarding the current process. The Planning Commission had recommended approval of this item.
Chair Cain invited public comments and Dave Nielsen of Wolf Lodge, asked if there was a tendency to downgrade the landscaping plans as opposed to upgrading them. Mr. Gentry replied that the ordinance requirements had to be met, and Chair Cain noted that the ordinance had been amended over the past year to be more drought consistent. Mr. Nielsen asked whether the ordinance required a non-disturbed area in a lot and Chair Cain said that some home owners association agreements for P.R.U.D.s determined where to have building envelopes and non-buildable areas.
3. Public hearing to re-zone the Weber County Road Shops at 4753 East 2650 North from Agricultural AV-3 to Manufacturing MV-1
Jim Gentry, County Planning Department, stated that his department had received an application to rezone this property, where the County Road Shops are located in the Ogden Valley, from an Agricultural AV-3 zone to Manufacturing MV-1 zone, which will bring it in line with surrounding zoning to the south. The petitioner wishes to build in the Eden Junction Subdivision but cannot meet the setback requirements with his property rearing on the Agricultural AV-3 zone, which has a greater setback requirement than the MV-1 zone. The Planning District recommended approval of this item. Chair Cain said that this item did not deal with any area outside of this property and Mr. Gentry concurred, stating that it was simply a boundary issue. Commissioner Bischoff said that it was logical to place the property in a Manufacturing zone rather than the Agricultural zone.
Chair Cain invited public comments and none were offered.
4.Commissioner Bischoff moved to adjourn the public hearings and reconvene the public meeting; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
5. Action on public hearings:
a. Amend Chapter 22-D Planned Residential Unit Development - Ordinance 2004-17
Commissioner Bischoff moved to adopt Ordinance 2004-17 amending the Weber County Zoning Ordinance by adding a section not requiring revised landscaping plans to be approved by the County Commission in a public hearing, including clarification language on slopes and financial guarantees; Chair Cain seconded.
Roll Call Vote
Commissioner Bischoff aye
Chair Cain aye
b. Re-zone Property from AV-3 to Manufacturing MV-1 - Ordinance 2004-18
Commissioner Bischoff moved to adopt Ordinance 2004-18 amending the rezoning map by changing the zoning designation on property at approximately 4753 E. 2650 N. from Agricultural AV-3 to Manufacturing MV-1; Chair Cain seconded.
Roll Call Vote
Commissioner Bischoff aye
Chair Cain aye
G. Assign Pledge of Allegiance & Thought of the Day for Tuesday, July 13, 2004 at 10 a.m.
H. Public Comments: There were none.
I. Adjourn
Commissioner Bischoff moved to adjourn at 10:30 a.m.; Chair Cain seconded, both voting aye.
Camille T. Cain,
Weber County Commission
Chair Linda G. Lunceford, CPO
Weber County Clerk/Auditor