Minutes for 2004-01-06, Direct pdf link.
Tuesday, January 6, 2004 - 10:00 a.m.
Commission Chambers, Weber Center, Ogden, Utah
Each Commission meeting is recorded on CD or audio tape, which is available to the public through the County Clerk's Office.
In accordance with the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-7(1)(d), the County Clerk records in the minutes the names of all citizens who appear and speak at a County Commission meeting and the substance “in brief” of their comments. Such statements may include opinion or purported facts. The County does not verify the accuracy or truth of any statement but includes it as part of the record pursuant to state law.
Commissioners Present: Chair Camille T. Cain, Commissioner Kenneth A. Bischoff, and Commissioner Glen H. Burton.
Others Present: Linda G. Lunceford, County Clerk/Auditor; David C. Wilson, Deputy County Attorney; Fátima Blackford, Clerk/Auditor’s Office, took minutes.
A. Welcome by Chair Cain.
B. Pledge of Allegiance was conducted by Fátima Blackford.
C. Thought of the Day was offered by Chair Cain.
D. Consent Items:
1. Purchase Orders in the amount of $675,454.72.
2. Warrants #183848 - #183983 in the amount of $267,063.22.
3. Minutes of regular Commission meeting held on December 30, 2003.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to approve the consent items; Commissioner Burton seconded, all voting aye.
E. Action Items:
Falcon Crest Subdivision*
Chair Cain asked David Wilson, Deputy County Attorney, about an issue that had been brought to her attention immediately before today’s Commission meeting began. A public hearing had been set for today to take input on a revision to lot 11 of Falcon Crest Subdivision. However, this item had been left out of today’s agenda. Mr. Wilson suggested that the Commission ask if anyone was present to address that item and then to continue the public hearing to next week. Chair Cain inquired and at this point in the meeting no one was present to speak to the issue.
1. Application for Federal Assistance to provide funding for storm water, wastewater, and pressurized secondary water projects in the Ogden Valley
Dr. George Burbidge, County Storm Water Management, stated that there had been efforts to put together a Public Law 566 application for several years for the small water shed program in the Ogden Valley and the county was now ready to make application, which notifies Natural Resources Conservation Services that the county is applying for the PL566 and asking them to help the county do an evaluation of what the actual needs and costs are. Dr. Burbidge said that the rough estimated funding amount was $50 million dollars (which includes $35 million in Federal funding, $10.7 million from State and $4 million from local). He did not believe it would exceed that amount but the application allowed the process to begin and Natural Resources would then be able to determine the actual figures.
Chair Cain expressed concern that there were a number of responsibilities outlined in the application that fell to the sponsor, some of which were financial (i.e., as that the sponsor would finance its share of the installation costs and install or implement planned structural and nonstructural measures on nonfederal land, relocation of people) and she asked for clarification. Dr. Burbidge said that the county had limited the responsibility it was willing to take by the amount it was willing to participate with as listed in the application in the amount of $250,000. Dr. Burbidge assured the Commission that, as stated on the application, as a sponsor the county was willing to put up to $250,000 into the project. Commissioner Bischoff asked if the $250,000 would come from the money set aside for storm water and Dr. Burbidge said that it would and since this was a multi-year process, the amount would not all come out in one year.
David Wilson, Deputy County Attorney, stated that Chris Allred, Deputy County Attorney, had reviewed this application and had some discomfort with it. Because Mr. Allred had not been available today, Mr. Wilson asked that if the Commission approved this application process that it be subject to Mr. Allred’s conclusion that the county was not bound to any other commitments other than the $250,000. Mr. Wilson asked if the $250,000 was for the whole installation process or just the study process and Dr. Burbidge replied that it was for the whole process from study through installation to implementation. Mr. Wilson referred to the application and asked if the State was willing to sign a commitment for the indicated allocation and Dr. Burbidge said that the State was not at this point because the amount of their commitment was not yet known. Dr. Burbidge had spent quite some time on this item with Don Ostler from the State and there were a number of funds available through the State. Chair Cain asked where the local funds ($4 million) were coming from and Dr. Burbidge said that these came from water users and various entities that participate in the pressurized secondary water, sewer, etc.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to go forward with the application for federal assistance to provide funding for (PL 566) storm water, wastewater, and pressurized secondary water projects in the Ogden Valley subject to Deputy County Attorney, Chris Allred’s conclusion that the county is not bound to any other commitments other than the $250,000; Commissioner Burton seconded, all voting aye.
2. Contract for Consulting Services between Weber County and Weber Basin Water Quality Management Council
Commissioner Burton stated that this was the annual contract renewal with the Weber Basin Water Quality Management Council. He said that this Council involved representatives from Weber County, Davis County and the Council. Commissioner Burton explained that the Council’s lab at Weber Basin tested all the water quality throughout the two county areas. He indicated the contract had remained the same for the past four years.
Chair Cain referred to the contract, stating it was written specifically for the Weber River Water Quality Management Plan and did not include the Ogden River. Commissioner Burton indicated that the contract should include the Ogden River since it was tested and Dr. Burbidge explained that the Ogden River was a tributary to the Weber River. Chair Cain asked if it would be possible for the Commission to review an overall budget to see where the county fit in the major contribution. She also indicated it would be helpful to have progress and financial reporting done in a public meeting. David Wilson, Deputy County Attorney, suggested defining Weber Basin in Appendix A. He further recommended asking if there was a document which would show critical water quality stream segments that were tested and adding it to the contract as a second exhibit. Commissioner Burton thought perhaps he had this information available in his office.
This contract was held to next week to allow making certain changes.
3. A Resolution appointing two representatives to the Taxing Entity Committee of the Redevelopment Agency of Weber County - Resolution 1-2004
David Wilson, Deputy County Attorney, stated that Ron Kusina, Executive Director, Redevelopment Agency of Weber County (RDA), was leading the development of an economic development area relating to Kimberly Clark which had been addressed last week at an RDA meeting. Part of this process involved creating a taxing entity committee because the project area is in excess of 100 acres and the Commission is obligated to appoint two representatives by resolution. Mr. Wilson asked if the Commission would prefer to make different appointments since he was acting as legal counsel and Mr. Kusina was leading this project.
Commissioner Burton moved to adopt Resolution 1-2004 appointing Dan Olsen (County Comptroller) and Joe Olsen (Assessor’s Office) as representatives and Doug Larsen (Assessor’s Office) as an alternate to the Taxing Entity Committee of the Redevelopment Agency of Weber County; Commissioner Bischoff seconded.
Roll Call Vote
Commissioner Burton aye
Commissioner Bischoff aye
Chair Cain aye
*Falcon Crest Subdivision
See first paragraph under item E., Action Items, relating to the public hearing set for today for Falcon Crest Subdivision. Chair Cain asked if there was anyone present to speak to this item and there was still no one present.
Commissioner Bischoff moved to continue the public hearing to January 13, 2004 relating to a revision to lot 11 of Falcon Crest Subdivision; Commissioner Burton seconded, all voting aye.
F. Assign Pledge of Allegiance & Thought of the Day for Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 10 a.m.
G. Public Comments: There were none. Chair Cain stated that the County Commission meetings would continue to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays throughout the year 2004, unless some change was made.
H. Adjourn
Commissioner Burton moved to adjourn at 10:28 a.m.; Commissioner Bischoff seconded, all voting aye.