Minutes for 2003-11-25, Direct pdf link.
Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 10:00 a.m.
Commission Chambers, Weber Center, Ogden, Utah
Each Commission meeting is recorded on CD or audio tape, which is available to the public through the County Clerk's Office.
In accordance with the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-7(1)(d), the County Clerk records in the minutes the names of all citizens who appear and speak at a County Commission meeting and the substance “in brief” of their comments. Such statements may include opinion or purported facts. The County does not verify the accuracy or truth of any statement but includes it as part of the record pursuant to state law.
Commissioners Present: Chair Kenneth A. Bischoff and Commissioner Camille T. Cain. Commissioner Glen H. Burton was excused.
Others Present: Linda G. Lunceford, County Clerk/Auditor; Monette Hurtado, Deputy County Attorney. Fátima Blackford, Clerk/Auditor’s Office, took minutes.
A. Welcome by Chair Bischoff.
B. Pledge of Allegiance was conducted by Tari Moore.
C. Thought of the Day was offered by Commissioner Cain.D. Recognitions, Presentations and Informational Items:
Recognition of Chris Stettler and Robert Dunbar for their service on the Criminal Justice Advisory Council
Weber County Sheriff Brad Slater explained the purpose of the Criminal Justice Advisory Council and stated that a position on this Council is filled by a line officer. Deputy Chris Stettler represented the line staff until recently because he was promoted to sergeant. Sheriff Slater stated that Chris Stettler had done an admirable job on this council and he wished to thank him for volunteering to serve. The commissioners presented Sergeant Stettler with a plaque and expressed their thanks for his service. Robert Dunbar was not able to be present. Sheriff Slater stated that Mr. Dunbar, a member of the business community, had been a valuable member representing the seniors and business owners, but due to health reasons had asked to be removed from the council. Chair Bischoff asked Sheriff Slater to extend the Commission’s appreciation to Mr. Dunbar.
E. Consent Items:
1. Purchase Orders in the amount of $70,073.34.
2. Warrants #182515 - #182770 in the amount of $747,897.65.
3. Minutes of Regular Commission Meeting held on November 18, 2003.
Commissioner Cain moved to approve the consent items; Chair Bischoff seconded, both voting aye.F. Action Items:
1. Contract by and between Weber County and the United States Department of Justice for an LLEBG Grant for equipment and training for local law enforcement agencies
This item was held.2. Contract by/between Weber County and the United States Forest Service for the FY 2004 Financial and Operating Plan to patrol Forest Service property, Anderson Cove Campground, and boating enforcement at Pineview Reservoir - Contract C2003-183
Weber County Sheriff Brad Slater stated that this contract provided funding for the Sheriff’s Office to patrol areas primarily around the Pineview Reservoir, the South Fork campground area and a portion of Snow Basin Ski Resort area. The county is reimbursed for its cost to patrol. Under this contract, the reimbursable amount is projected to be higher than last year. Wages will be at the rate of $31.75 per hour. The total combined reimbursement is an amount not to exceed $85,000.
Commissioner Cain moved to approve Contract C2003-183, Contract by and between Weber County and the United States Forest Service for the FY 2004 Financial and Operating Plan to patrol Forest Service property, Anderson Cove Campground, and boating enforcement at Pineview Reservoir; Chair Bischoff seconded, both voting aye.
3. Lease Purchase Agreement by/between Weber County & Revco Leasing for replacement of a copy machine for Golden Spike Event Center - Contract C2003-184
Jennifer Graham said that this copier replacement would bring the lease payments down $100+ per month, save a substantial amount of money on the per click charge, have a cheaper maintenance fee, and this payment plan was interest free.
Commissioner Cain moved to approve Contract C2003-184, Lease Purchase Agreement by and between Weber County and Revco Leasing for the replacement of a copy machine at the Golden Spike Event Center; Chair Bischoff seconded, both voting aye.
4. Contract by and between Weber County and Wikstrom Economic and Planning Consultants for consultant services for a study on impact fees - Contract C2003-185
Jim Gentry, County Planning Department, stated that this contract was for the consultant to prepare certain capital facility plans and perform a study on impact fees for roads, sewer, pathways and storm water within the unincorporated areas of the county. An RFP was sent out and six proposals were received. A selection committee reviewed the proposals, interviewed the respondents, and selected Wikstrom, which has extensive experience with impact fees.
Commissioner Cain moved to approve Contract C2003-185, Contract by and between Weber County and Wikstrom Economic and Planning Consultants for consultant services for a study on impact fees; Chair Bischoff seconded, both voting aye.
5. Discussion and/or action to approve the Settlement Agreement between Sinclair Oil Corp. and Weber County refunding rollback taxes in the amount of $33,061.80 for LSN 17-091-0004, LSN 17-019-0005, LSN 17-091-0037 and LSN 23-042-0006
Monette Hurtado, Deputy County Attorney, referred to the land exchange that had taken place between Sinclair Oil (Snow Basin) and the federal government. There was an agreement between these two parties in 2000 relating to the land exchange. The deeds were recorded on May 24, 2000.
At that time, in order to comply with State code, the county needed information showing that even though the property was going to a tax exempt entity (the federal government), that it would continue to be used in compliance with greenbelt requirements (the Farmland Assessment Act). The county never received that documentation from the federal government nor from Sinclair, even though the county discussed this issue with them for a substantial period of time. Sinclair ultimately paid the rollback taxes under protest that had been imposed and then filed an action with the courts (Civil Case #030102629). The county just recently received information showing that the property was being used appropriately–the federal government provided copies of the grazing leases and the arrangements they had made to continue to use that property in compliance with greenbelt. Based on this information, the county was able to determine that only one parcel was not being used in compliance with greenbelt and the County Attorney’s Office recommended that the 160 acres that is not being used appropriately be deducted from the amount that was paid in 2000. This settlement agreement is to refund $33,061.80, which is exclusive of the 160 acres which amounted to $1,230.24.
Commissioner Cain moved to approve the Settlement Agreement between Sinclair Oil Corp. and Weber County refunding rollback taxes in the amount of $33,061.80 for LSN 17-091-0004, LSN 17-019-0005, LSN 17-091-0037 and LSN 23-042-0006; Chair Bischoff seconded, both voting aye.
6. Resolution approving the Interlocal Agreement for Cost Sharing for long term landfill disposal alternatives with Salt Lake for Contract C2003-182
Monette Hurtado, Deputy County Attorney, stated that the contract, C2003-182, had been approved last week but it had not gone through legal review and no resolution approving the interlocal agreement had been prepared.
Commissioner Cain moved to adopt Resolution 36-2003 approving the Interlocal Agreement, Contract C2003-182, for cost sharing for long term landfill disposal alternatives between Salt Lake and Weber County; Chair Bischoff seconded.
Roll Call Vote:
Commissioner Cain aye
Chair Bischoff aye
G. Public Comments: There were none.
H. Assign Pledge of Allegiance & Thought of the Day for Tuesday, December 2, 2003 at 10 a.m.
I. Recess
Commissioner Cain moved to recess the public meeting until 6:00 p.m. at which time a public hearing will be held on the 2004 budget; Chair Bischoff seconded, both voting aye.
J. Reconvene public meeting
Commissioners Present: Commissioner Camille T. Cain and Commissioner Glen H. Burton. Chair Kenneth A. Bischoff was excused and Vice Chair Camille Cain conducted the meeting.
Others Present: Linda G. Lunceford, County Clerk/Auditor; Mark DeCaria, County Attorney.
K. Public Hearing:
Commissioner Burton moved to adjourn the public meeting and convene the public hearing; Commissioner Cain seconded, both voting aye. 1.
2. Public hearing on the 2004 budget
Dan Olsen, County Comptroller, highlighted the county’s 2004 tentative budget. Mr. Olsen stated that this public hearing had been advertised per statute to give the public an opportunity for input, although no member of the public was present (except for the Standard Examiner reporter). He gave an overview of the budget for all funds, with a focus on the General Fund. Mr. Olsen presented a summary of the budget by all funds stating that the total for all governmental, enterprise, and internal service funds was $92.4 million in revenues and expenditures. The General Funds makes up about 50% of that total. Each fund was balanced in 2004 without a tax or fee increase. He showed the various categories of estimated revenues in the General Fund stating that taxes made up 51% of the revenues; charges for services 36%; and the other 13% were made up of fines, vehicles fees, grants and transfers from other funds. Mr. Olsen also discussed the 2004 estimated tax revenue detail which showed that current year property taxes comprised 54% of all taxes in the General Fund, sales tax 28%, delinquent taxes 5% and assessing & collecting 13%. Under the proposed expenditures, the two biggest uses of tax money are public safety (54%) and general government (33%). All of these tax ratios have remained fairly constant for at least the last three years. The county did not provide a cost of living adjustment for employees but most received a merit increase. Mr. Olsen stated that all departments had made the 4% requested cuts from their 2004 requested amounts, which spoke well for the county’s management and their determination to keep costs down and have the least amount of impact on services provided to the public. He thanked everyone involved in this budget process, including all the departments, Linda Lunceford, Clerk/Auditor, for assisting him along the way in his new position, and the commissioners for their leadership.
Commissioner Burton indicated that the county was feeling the effects of the significant cuts in the projected capacity of jail inmates from the State (in 1997/98) at the Weber County Sheriff’s Complex. He said that budgets had been significantly cut, pay increases restricted, and the county dipped into the General Fund and would have to make adjustments next year (i.e., adjust the tax rate or cut services). He referred to an article in the Standard Examiner concerning the tax rate in comparable counties and pointed out various distinctions between Weber County and other counties. In evaluating the tax rate for the county’s portion, he said Weber County was 23rd in the State and was very efficient. The overall tax rate (includes all entities) showed the county at number 7 in the State. Commissioner Cain expressed her thanks stating there had been great cooperation from everyone in this economically challenging budget process and sacrifices had been made. She thanked Mr. Olsen for a great job in this process. Commissioner Cain invited public comments and none were offered.
Commissioner Burton moved to adjourn the public hearing and reconvene the public meeting; Commissioner Cain seconded, both voting aye. 3.
4. Action on public hearing, if necessary: None.
L. Adjourn
Commissioner Burton moved to adjourn at 6:09 p.m.; Commissioner Cain seconded, both voting aye.
Kenneth A. Bischoff, Chair
Weber County Commission
Chair Linda G. Lunceford, CPO
Weber County Clerk/Auditor
In accordance with the requirements of Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-7(1)(d), the County Clerk records in the minutes the names of all citizens who appear and speak at a County Commission meeting and the substance “in brief” of their comments. Such statements may include opinion or purported facts. The County does not verify the accuracy or truth of any statement but includes it as part of the record pursuant to state law.