Select the type of plat to be reviewed

within a City

The Weber County Surveyor’s Office acts as a reviewing agency to help ensure that Subdivision and Final Local Entity Plats (Required per UCA 17-23-20 for creation or boundary changes to municipalities or districts including special districts such as Public Infrastructure Districts (PIDs), or Infrastructure Financing Districts (IFDs)) are compliant with the survey related requirements outlined in State and County Code.
It is the responsibility of the licensed land surveyor who will execute the plat to submit a plat for review that is complete and already compliant with State and County Code.
The approval of a plat by the County Surveyor does not relieve the licensed land surveyor who executed the plat from their professional responsibility and/or liability.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my plat need to be reviewed by the County Surveyor?State and County code require the approval of the County Surveyor on certain plats before they are considered final and ready to be recorded in the County Recorder’s Office. The County Surveyor review includes checking items such as mathematical correctness, harmony with monuments and other properties of record, and compliance with standards of practice and technical requirements outlined in state and county code.
Some municipalities within Weber County, who do not have a licensed land surveyor on staff, have recognized the importance of having a plat review from the County Surveyors office. These cities have entered into an interlocal agreement with the County Surveyor to have the subdivision plats within the city boundaries reviewed to the county and state standard.
How long does the County Surveyor plat review take?
The review process is a back and forth process between the County Surveyor and the licensed land surveyor who will execute the plat. Under normal circumstances, the County Surveyor has committed to a two week turnaround time on the first review after initial submittal. Subsequent submittals of the same project are normally turned around within a week. The stated time frame may vary based on workloads, seasonal demands, and abnormal size or complexity of a project.
How do I check on the status of a County Surveyor plat review?
If your project is located in unincorporated Weber County you may check the status of your review online through the County review program called Frontier.
If your project is located within a city in Weber County or if your project is a Final Local Entity Plat you can contact the County Surveyor or’s Office directly to check the status of your review by emailing or by phone at 801-399-8020.