Police Process

Services Provided through Local Police Departments

Receiving the Complaint

This is done through calls to the 911 dispatch center, calls to the police department, or from officers actively patrolling their areas and observing a situation.

Dispatched to the Complaint (Call)

Priorities when on scene are stopping any further violence from occurring, treatment of injured if necessary. Officers will separate the involved parties and obtain a detail of the events.

On scene activity

Priorities when on scene are stopping any further violence from occurring, treatment of injured if necessary. After this is done and the “Scene is Secure” officers will separate the involved parties (including witnesses) and obtain a detail of the events.

Determination of Action

After obtaining all views of the event, officers will determine the person responsible for the crime and then take the proper action if action is necessary.

Victim Care

  • Officers will obtain a written statement from the victim, while on scene, when the victim has the scene fresh in their mind.
  • Officers will offer the care of a Victim’s Advocate and if so desired, request they call or respond to the victim to assist them.
  • Officers also provide written information regarding the victim’s rights as they relate to Domestic Violence.
  • Officers will provide any answers the victim has in regards to this case and attempt to accommodate any special needs (ie: arranging for rides, making phone calls, transporting to the woman’s shelter)

Follow Up Investigation

After the initial report is made and the initial Uniformed Officer completes his investigation, the case is reviewed and then forwarded to the appropriate division for further investigation.


Main goal is to collect enough evidence to convict those responsible for the crimes. Detective will obtain a written statement from victims and witnesses Detectives will, if necessary, write warrants to collect evidence. Detectives will answer any questions and keep the victims informed of any changes in the case.


Detectives will then present the case and all the evidence to the prosecutor. This is done to see if the prosecutor will file charges. The prosecutor will do one of the following: A request for further investigation is done to obtain enough information or evidence for prosecution Charges are filed with no further follow up necessary The case is declined due to lack of evidence, lack of cooperation, or no criminal offense occurring.